Trying to keep your community informed about updates and information throughout a project? Newsletters are a great communication tool for doing so! Newsletters are articles focused on specific project information and updates that are physically mailed or emailed to stakeholders and residents within a community....
Posted at 18:01h
Public Engagement
by admin
Public engagement is the foundation of what we do every day, but what exactly does that mean? What is public engagement? To put it simply, public engagement is the process of communicating with the public and involving them in problem-solving or decision-making. This could be...
With the new year, we all have big changes in store. Us at P3? We are gearing up to work on exciting new projects, to further develop our public engagement skills, and to continue to find innovative ways of engaging the public during COVID-19. However,...
Every agency
wants to make decisions in their work that factor in the needs, preferences,
and concerns of the community those decisions will affect. To make sure of
this, we must factor in extensive data and public input obtained through
community engagement and outreach. Public engagement, involvement, and
empowerment is...
Engaging the
public doesn’t start at a public meeting; it starts the very first time someone
sees a message from your team. Whether it’s a postcard, social media post, or
flyer, your communications are one of the most important parts of capturing the
public’s attention and encouraging them to...
Gone are the days of crowded town hall meetings and hours-long open houses. In the midst of a global pandemic, public participation must adapt....